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What tools do you use?

My tools include: JustInMind and Invision for interactive prototypes. For wireframing I use lots of things such as pencil and paper, Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. Dreamweaver my HTML editor.  Photoshop to create and edit images.

What tools do you use?

My tools include: Axure RP (rapid prototyping) for wireframing and interactive prototypes, Dreamweaver or Visual Studio as my HTML editor, Illustrator for customer experience maps, and Photoshop to create and edit images.

What tools do you use?

My tools include: Axure RP (rapid prototyping) for wireframing and interactive prototypes, Dreamweaver or Visual Studio as my HTML editor, Illustrator for customer experience maps, and Photoshop to create and edit images.

What tools do you use?

My tools include: Axure RP (rapid prototyping) for wireframing and interactive prototypes, Dreamweaver or Visual Studio as my HTML editor, Illustrator for customer experience maps, and Photoshop to create and edit images.
